Sunday, December 30, 2018

Kabbalah, Esotericism, Synchronicity, And The Way This World Works.

I was at the local bar this evening, and I was speaking to a woman about Freemasonry. We have talked on many occasions before, and she's very interested in my research. She told me her dad is a Freemason, and she is determined to find out what he knows. Although, we all know that he will never tell her anything. Freemasonry isn't that complicated to figure out. Not much research is needed to figure it out.

Freemasonry is based in Kabbalah, which is a Jewish Mysticism. Ancient knowledge that is still working behind the scenes today.

Most of my research that I share is Gematria. Which is the practice of coding words and terms into numbers. In Genesis, God spoke the Earth into existence, which corresponds the relationship between words and numbers. This is the core belief of Kabbalah.

She asked me if some signs are good or bad. Which is a simple question, and an even more simple answer. Everything is dualistic. Everything has duality. Which means that all opposites are the same. To explain this to her, I placed a quarter on the bar. I showed her how a quarter has two sides. Heads, and Tails. Which we all know are total opposites. But where they become the same is, that they are both from the same quarter. Again, all opposites are the same. Using Gematria, numbers are also dualistic. As so:

God = 10 (Reverse Reduced) 55 (Reverse Ordinal)
Satan = 10 (Reduced) 55 (Ordinal)

I also talked to her about following signs, and patterns. If you are aware enough to see them, and bright enough to follow them, they will show you things. The Eagles winning the Super Bowl last year was no surprise to some of my constituent:

Donald Trump called out the NFL for the kneeling during the National Anthem on 9/23 or how it's written in most of the world (23/9)

The first American Flag was sewn at 239 Arch Street, Philadelphia

Donald Trump was born on Flag Day

The PHILADELPHIA Eagles won the Super Bowl

The day after the Super Bowl was the 88th anniversary of the Stock Market crash.

Trump = 88(Ordinal)

Things like this are going on around us all the time. Most people blame the Freemasons, and others of the sort for doing these things on purpose. It seems fitting considering that this is knowledge that they are well aware of. I'm not entirely sold. I often think that they are easy scapegoats. I could be wrong though. Maybe they are scripting the mainstream entertainment in such a ritualistic manner. I can't prove that. All I can prove is that this information is absolutely relevant.

Hopefully I have enlightened you in such a way that you will learn to see things in a new light. This world is not only stranger than you imagine, it's stranger than you CAN imagine.

Shalom Aleichem

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