I haven't been posting as much lately, as i've been busy. I'm currently writing 2 different books, which I hope to have published by the end of the year.
For the last month, I've had trouble sleeping on Thursday nights. I end up staying awake until about 10:30 in the morning, and to wear myself out, I'll mow my yard, and then I'll pass out for about 4 hours. I work Monday through Thursday, and I get off work at 2 a.m.
About 2 weeks ago on a Thursday, I had been laying in bed for a couple hours, and of course I couldn't sleep. I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling debating if I should get up and do something, or if I should try and sleep one more time. I wasn't even tired anymore, but I decided to try one more time.
The second I closed my eyes, I found myself in a warehouse. I was shocked. I wasn't asleep, as I was fully aware that I was just laying in my bed contemplating sleep, and that I had just closed my eyes. I had no idea where I was, I had never been here before. I was surrounded by metal shipping creates all stacked and organized in neat rows. I had the feeling I wasn't alone, and I had the overwhelming feeling that I wasn't suppose to be there. It was completely dark, except for a dim light that shined down an isle of metal crates. Feeling that I wasn't alone, and not welcome, I decided to peek around the corner into the light so I could try and find a way out. The second I peaked my head around the corner, I was hit in the jaw by something solid. It was like a metal pipe. I opened my eyes just as my jaw slammed into my top row of teeth, and my head jerked in the air off my pillows. I could feel it in my jaw still. I had pain from the solid object on my jaw for at least 5 minutes after opening my eyes.
Needless to say, I didn't sleep after that. I can't explain why these things happen to me. I don't know what causes it. They always happen at the most random times when I least expect it. I know some people can experience these things whenever they choose, but I can't. I have completely no control over it.
I always document these experiences because in the past, they have been interrelated with some of my Gematria research, and have been important to certain themes that I end up following.
A while ago, I was decoding the television show, "Roseanne" and how it was related to Chicago, and how I had an experience where I believed I was flying over Chicago. I believed it was Chicago because of a poster I had when I was a kid. I also mentioned that the only time I've ever been to Chicago was in 1991. In Gematria:
Roseanne = 91(English)
Just one example of how these experiences are sometimes interrelated to themes I follow.
Thanks for reading:
Shalom Aleichem
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