Saturday, May 19, 2018

Strange "Duck" Theme Today

I just wanted to document this quick.

Today I went to Dollar General, it was pouring down rain. After I parked and got out of my truck, I noticed a child's duck toy laying in a puddle 2 spaces down from me. After I went inside, I saw my friend Shane, and I was talking to him. He said, "today's a good day, if you're a duck." That seemed odd to me. Who says that? Ha!

I was just watching an old SNL skit where Will Ferrell plays Dr. Phil. He made the analogy, "Don't eat at the Chinese Buffet if there's no duck sauce." Once again, how odd is that? The night isn't over yet, so maybe it will happen again.

Rain = 24(Reduced)
Duck = 24(Reverse Reduction)

Today is May 19th or 5/19


Shane Steinkuehler = 77(Reduced)
Oprah Winfrey = 77(Reduced)

I just found out today is Shane's birthday. He is 45

SNL = 45(English)

Of course it happened. I went to Shane's birthday party and it happened. My friend James went to the other room to play a trivia game on his phone. I heard him yell from the other room, " If you see a penny, pick it up and all day you'll have good ducks."

Seriously? I couldn't believe it. I don't know what it means, but it had significants today.

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