Friday, May 4, 2018

Mainstream Racism: Gematria. HH=88

For those of you who are new to my blog, I document personal esoteric experiences, and I use Gematria to decode mainstream news, entertainment, and other stories. As well as my own personal life.

If you don't know what Gematria is, it's the process of decoding letters into numbers. It's an ancient practice that stems from Kabbalah. For this particular post, I will break down everything I'm doing, and give a couple simple lessons to help you follow along.

The number 88. What could this number possibly mean? If you've been paying attention the last year, I'm sure you've noticed a pattern. President Donald Trump has been accused of being a racist since day one. Maybe he really is a racist, and maybe he's not, but that's not the point I'm getting at. The following information is some of my own research, as well as the research of some of my constituents.

Using the "English Ordinal" cipher (also known as the alphabetic order)

Trump = 88

English Ordinal (alphabetic order) goes as follows: A=1 B=2 C=3 through Z=26. Because there are 26 letters in the alphabet. So Trump is T=20, R=18, U=21, M=13, P=16. So, 20+18+21+13+16 = 88

Obama Out = 88
Mein Kampf = 88

As you are starting to see, the idea is to find synchronicity between interrelated things.

Think about the essay/manifesto written by David Lane, "88 Precepts" David Lane is a member of the white supremacist organization, "The Order"

As you may have noticed by now, "H" is the eighth letter of the Alphabet. So, it's interesting to note, that HH=88. There's some interesting patterns here as well. Think about this:

Heil Hitler
Heinrich Himmler (Leading Member of the Nazi Party)
Hunting Hitler (Popular TV show on the History Channel)
Heather Heyer (The Only Protestor killed at a white supremacist rally in North Carolina last year)

In Heather Heyer's case, the term "Blood Libel" can be used.

Blood Libel = 88

I hope you're still following. We're getting deep.

Let's get back to the number 88 itself. We covered how Trump = 88. On January 19th 2018, Bill Maher said on his show, "Trump only knows 88 words." Isn't that interesting?

The link is to the Bill Maher video. I'm not sure it will work, but nonetheless it's on YouTube.

My goal is to raise attentiveness, and inspire everyone to start applying this information for themselves.

Thank You for reading;

Shalom Aleichem

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