Sunday, February 4, 2018

Ken Caminiti and Christopher Reeve

I keep seeing Ken Caminiti popping up, so I decided to look into him. I can't remember where I first started seeing him, but with The Baseball Hall Of Fame inductions I kept seeing him because his teammate Trevor Hoffman got in. I was even watching a Youtube video about current baseball highlights, and the autoplay next came up and played a video about homerun hitters going into the 1996 season. He was featured in this video.

Ken Caminiti = 54(Reduced)
Baseball = 54(English), 54(Reverse Reduced)

He died after doing a speedball, which also makes me think of baseball.

I don't remember hearing about him dying, and the reason is because the actor Christopher Reeve died on the same day. Ken's wikipedia page even makes a note about how his death was overshadowed by Reeve's. Also, they both died in New York City. So I decided to look into Christopher Reeve.

He was born in 1952, and died age 52.

He died from Paralysis/Sepsis

Sepsis = 39(Reverse Reduction)
New York = 39(Reduced)
Paralysis = 39(Reduced) 60(Reverse Reduction)
New York City = 60(Reduction)
Equestrian = 60(Reverse Reduction)

2 things I always associate with Christopher Reeve:

Stem Cell = 46(Reverse Reduced)
Superman = 46(Reverse Reduced)

Christopher Reeve = 95(Reduction)
Stem Cell Research = 95(Reverse Reduction)

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