Friday, April 26, 2019

Franklin Graham Calls Out Pete Buttigieg: Franklin Credit Union Scandal

So we get this story about Franklin Graham calling out Pete Buttigieg for being gay. The article I read is from USA Today, so that's the story i'm following in this decode.

Franklin Graham = 70 (Reduced)
Pete Buttigieg = 70 (Reverse Reduced)

The article highlighted the word "Sin" and Buttigieg was told to "Repent"

Sin = 33 (English)
Repent = 33 (Reduced)

Franklin Grahams' Birthday is 7/14, so his birthday numerology this year is: 7+14+2+0+1+9=33

Sin = 15 (Reduced)
Gay = 15 (Reduced)

Seeing the name "Franklin" makes me think about last week when my friend Dan (themindlessfreaks blog) accidentally came across a guy named "David Shurter" who lives near us. He was being interviewed on the YouTube channel "Lift The Veil" and he was talking about how his family was involved in sex trafficking in Omaha during the 80's and he went into the "Franklin Credit Union Scandal."

Stories like this are always odd because of the names that come up in relation to the article.

Pete BUTTigeig is gay

Troy BONER was one of the 3 people who came forward with the Franklin Credit Union story

I've always heard that the news media plays games with stories like this all the time, and now I'm seeing it first hand more and more all the time.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Birth Of My Cousins' Son

My cousin became a dad on 4/18

Alan Mathison = 71 (Reverse Reduced)  179 (Francis Bacon) - My Cousin

Dani Mathison = 71 (Reverse Reduced) 179 (Francis Bacon) - His Wife

This might be stretching it, but my cousin goes by A.J. and he was born in January of 1988 or 1/88

A.J. Mathison = 188 (Francis Bacon)

A.J. Mathison = 61 (Reverse Reduced) His son was born on 4/18/2019

4 + 18 + 20 + 19 =  61

Not much here. I just wanted to document what I could find. I'm sure this will come in handy for future reference.