Wednesday, November 29, 2017


One popular theory, is that everything in this world is connected. The earth, nature and human beings ourselves. Everything is energy, constantly moving and transitioning from one form to another.

Everything is a microcosm. For example: New York City is a microcosm of New York State. Brooklyn is a microcosm of New York City, and so on....

Everything can be broken down into smaller niches. One more example, is Kabbalah. Kabbalah and Gematria are microcosms of words and letters. Some people believe, that once everything is broken down into numbers, it reveals a universal code. This knowledge can allow you to see the synchronicities between everything.

There are many theories as to what this really means, or what is really going on. Some people believe the Freemasons, Jesuits, the Royal Family, and Zionists are behind it. Considering the roots of Kabbalah are of jewish origin, These people would have a better understanding of this knowledge.

I think it's also interesting when you think about Buddhism. Essentially, they believe everything is a hologram. Everything that happens, was programmed to happen, and our perceptions of reality aren't real at all. I believe multiple religions have also spoken about Predetermined Destiny.

I'll share a brief personal experience:

Today, I went to the doctor to have my back looked at. I was told I had a sprain.

Sprain = 32

Today is the 29th of November, leaving 32 days left in the year

I initially hurt my back on Monday the 27th

Ironically I also turned 27 earlier this month.

These are just a couple things I noticed that seemed odd to me. Maybe it's not anything, but I thought it was worth documenting.

If you're interested in Gematria, check out my friend Dan's blog:

Thanks for reading: Shalom Aleichem